Sitz Fotografie
Lichtraum Fotografie
Raum Fotografie


Bettina Ghasempoor, Trier


Bettina Ghasempoor

Conception, Layout and Illustration:
Bettina Ghasempoor


Saal Digital Fotoservice


Bettina Ghasempoor

Jury comment:

The jury’s special attention is drawn this year to a poetic showpiece in three acts. The prize goes to a concentrated conceptual calendar that on 36 sheets unfolds a broad photographic spectrum. The reduced view of the singularity of the detail, of the light in all its nuances and colour spectrums, is a mark of Bettina Ghasempoor’s photography.

Light axes which sharply contour the image detail, which through the  entering light cut the space into bright and dark. In the abstraction the contrasts become clearer, light and shadows load up the photographs further, but they nonetheless radiate great calm and harmony. „Light-space photography“ is the photographer’s title for the first of the altogether three small-format calendars. Twelve outstanding light-studies can be seen, which investigate the quality of natural light.

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Colours as a creative medium, step in the second calendar with the title „Space Photography“ into the foreground. Playing with sight axes and lines dissolves in doing so the space into abstraction. Graphic colour patterns, like wandering squares, move on the calendar sheets. The placing on the picture ground, the particular calendar sheet, varies. With concentration on the special segment of space, Bettina Ghasempoor’s reduced imagery is convincing.

Seating furniture is the protagonist in the third calendar „Seat Photography“. Simple folding chairs, waiting in standby-position for their respective uses. Here some article of daily use is set in tension to the space surrounding it. Seemingly everyday situations, which develop a special aura through the eyes of the photographer.

Bettina Ghasempoor pursues a conceptual-artistic approach. In these 36 award-winning small works of art, the photographer concentrates on the very own power of her medium: photography as painting with light. In doing so she explores the limits of photography, and so achieves the sometimes scenic quality of her pictures. Bettina Ghasempoor paints with light.

The calendar triptych „Lightspace – Space – Seats“ stands out among the ranks of the prize-winning calendars, and captivates us through its rigour, clarity and photographic beauty. Bettina Ghasempoor, we congratulate you heartily on winning the Jury’s Prize for the best photo-calendar of 2018!

Carolin Ellwanger, Heidelberg 25th. January 2018
Manageress of the Biennale of Contemporary Photography: Ludwigshafen – Mannheim – Heidelberg