
Korsch Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Gilching

Conception and Design:
Korsch Verlag

Alessandro Gottardo

Print und Processing:
Staudigl-Druck GmbH & Co. KG, Donauwörth

Jury comment:
The jury awards bronze to this wonderfully illustrated, sometimes bizarre poster calendar with astounding appeal. Whether in texts, official greetings or even in photographic and graphic works – a lot could actually be said with very little if the art of reduction to the essential were not too difficult for most people. The Italian illustrator Alessandro Gottardo, however, is a master in using minimalist visual language to tell “À Point” short stories with surprising twists and turns. The artist’s works have been published in magazines such as “The New York Times” and “The Wall Street Journal” and have been awarded the gold medal of the “Society of Illustrators” and the “Society of Publication Designers”, among others. Among Gottardo’s clients are well-known publishing houses and companies such as Coca-Cola, American Express and Volkswagen.